Monday, April 15, 2024

Jelly update


Um, Kenny is history. I know.

Bad me. So yeah, after COVID it was still a bad year. That's what happens when you're on the road for so long. Yeah, Velvet and the girls are history too.

Just my luck, I'm yesterday's favorite flavor. So, I've been waiting tables. I lived in the back of the pool hall for a while. Watched a lot of people get drunk. I did extra stuff you know. Nothing bad. I just had to keep the damn place spotless.

And I won a few games, too. At least I improved my game. Can't say I'm a real pool shark and I wouldn't want to be at it, like this one Granny I know.

God, she is a sad sort. Got busted, just sleeping in her car. It wasn't even on. Just in the bar parking lot. Now she's on probation. She gets tested for Alcohol every few days. She can only have water now with a slice of lemon. 

Well, that was weeks ago. 

I did try to help. I went with her to get some legal representation. Um, not sure it did much good, but I'm no longer living in the back of the pool hall anymore.

Yeah, Charles who I call Chuck, might not be as perfect as he seems. Yeah, it still gives me a good laugh. Who knows, maybe the lad was just being a good Samaritan. But you know, safe to say he's mine now, and we live by the ocean. 

Yeah, I'm moving up. But you know, I got this itch to be on tour. And well, I might not be cut out for the good life anyway.

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